From Manuscript to Publication – The Journey of Your Research Paper

The corresponding author must know a few logistical steps during the paper submission process. Once accepted, a paper undergoes further processing, often involving an editing service.
Manuscript is an informal term for any work not published in print or online. It can also refer to a preliminary publication version distributed as a preprint.
Reviewing Your Manuscript
First, the editor will read the manuscript before it is forwarded for peer assessment. ” In this first pass, the manuscript will be assessed for its suitability for the journal. The editor may also identify any ethical or methodological flaws or the need for a rewrite or revision of parts of the manuscript to improve clarity and consistency.
You will receive an email as a reviewer with the paper’s abstract and instructions on providing the editors with your feedback. Most reviews will start with summarizing the paper’s main points and general comments about its strengths and weaknesses.
A good reviewer will cite relevant contemporary work and refrain from excessive and unnecessary self-citations of their publications. Additionally, they will evaluate the work for personality and prejudice, as well as for clarity of the study objectives posed by experts like Bentham Science publishers. The caliber of the tables and figures will also be assessed.
Submitting Your Manuscript
There are many STM publisher’s of scientific, technical, and medical journals with an ever-growing readership of academic and industrial researchers.
Resources like Bentham Open allows authors based in 79 low/lower-middle income countries to publish on a unique FEE waiver basis for all articles, regardless of the publishing option chosen (including Animated Abstracts). Authors wishing to take advantage of this offer should request it at the time of manuscript submission.
At the time of submission, authors are asked to provide a list of keywords that best represent the subject area covered by their article. These will be used to facilitate locating your article by potential readers.
Authors are asked to ensure that their list of authors is final and not changed at any stage during the review process. It ensures that all relevant individuals are identified and aware of the paper’s content.
Editing Your Manuscript
After you’ve reworked the text of your research paper to improve coherence and unity, it’s time to look at the big picture again. This part of the editing process is often referred to as revising. It includes looking at your work’s overall structure, organization, and tone.
It is the stage where you should read your paper slowly, perhaps aloud, to understand whether it sounds right. Listen for spots where your writing may sound awkward or unclear, and mark those areas with a highlighter or pencil.
At this point, it can be helpful to show your paper to a colleague or trusted friend for feedback. It is an ideal way to have fresh eyes on your work and catch mistakes you may have overlooked during your edits. It is also the best time to have your citations reviewed and checked for consistency.
The publication of scientific work in a journal is the ultimate goal for many scientists. It provides scientific insights to the research community and helps them get recognized for their contribution. However, getting your work published involves a long and detailed process.
It includes finding the right journal, writing the research work, ensuring all references are correctly formatted, and double-checking the language. It is a good idea to have a native English speaker read the manuscript.
Once the editors receive all the comments from peer reviewers, they will decide on your manuscript. This may be a request for minor or major revisions, acceptance as is (very rare), or rejection. Once a manuscript is accepted, it will be copyedited and then published. You will be able to download the final version from the journal website.